587 research outputs found

    La protección del consumidor adquirente de contenidos y servicios digitales al amparo de la directiva (UE) 2019/770

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    [ES] El objetivo de la tesis es analizar, desde una perspectiva europea, el régimen de protección al consumidor o usuario que adquiere contenidos y servicios digitales y que contrata con el proveedor de acuerdo con la directiva 2019/770. Para ello, el trabajo se ha estructurado en cuatro partes bien diferenciadas que siguen un camino que les permite entender el régimen ley aplicable, así como las razones y justificaciones que han llevado al legislador a adoptar determinadas soluciones. El primer capítulo, para contextualizar el tema, comienza con un análisis de la evolución tecnológica en la que ha estado la empresa inmerso en las últimas décadas para luego adentrarse en una serie de figuras que justificar y sustentar la necesidad de estudiar el contrato de suministro de contenidos y servicios digitales. El segundo capítulo abarca el estudio de los aspectos generales de contrato de suministro de contenidos y servicios digitales. El tercer capítulo trata de la conformidad de contenido y de servicios digitales, analizando individualmente los requisitos objetivos y evaluaciones subjetivas de cumplimiento, así como períodos de responsabilidad, la carga de la prueba y modificación de contenidos y servicios digitales, entre los otros asuntos. Finalmente, el cuarto capítulo ahonda en los remedios de consumidor y usuario en caso de falta de conformidad de los contenidos o servicios digitales proporcionados anteriormente. Se hace un estudio detallado de cada uno de los remedios que, a pesar de tener muchas similitudes con los regímenes existentes hasta ahora para el consumidor o usuario que adquiera bienes o servicios distintos a los digitales, disfrute de un conjunto de particularidades que, por su novedad, merecen atención especial. Además, también se refiere a la responsabilidad civil derivada de la falta de cumplimiento y a los recursos del consumidor o usuario en caso de falta de suministro

    Detección de personas en imágenes de profundidad mediante redes neuronales convolucionales

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es el diseño, implementación y evaluación de un sistema de detección de personas en imágenes de profundidad, basado en Redes Neuronales Convolucionales. Se ha construido una red neuronal profunda, con una estructura compleja, basada en una configuración encoder-decoder y en los bloques residuales de la ResNet. Su entrenamiento se ha dividido en dos partes: en la primera se ha utilizado una base de datos que contiene un gran número de datos sintéticos, generados para esta aplicación y en la segunda se ha llevado a cabo un ajuste con un pequeño conjunto de datos reales, evitando así la necesidad de etiquetar manualmente grandes bases de datos. Tras la evaluación del sistema final, se ha obtenido una tasa de aciertos del 85 %, con una precisión del 100% que ha permitido validar el sistema desarrollado. Ante cualquier problema o sugerencia sobre el presente trabajo, por favor contactad con Roberto Martín López .The objective of this work is the design, implementation and evaluation of a people detection system in depth images, based on Convolutional Neural Networks. The built deep network has a complex architecture, based on encoder-decoder configuration and using ResNet residual layers. The training process has been divided in two parts. The first part, using a big dataset of synthetic data. The second part, using a small set of real data, avoiding to manually label big datasets. After the evaluation of the final system, the success rate obtained is 85 %, with an accuracy of 100% that allows to validate the system. If you have problems, suggestions or comments, please forward them to Roberto Martín López <roberto. [email protected]>.Grado en Ingeniería Electrónica de Comunicacione

    Análisis jurisprudencial de la legitimación pasiva de las entidades financieras en las reclamaciones realizadas por consumidores derivadas de una compraventa con subrogación hipotecaria : especial referencia a la de nulidad de la cláusula de gastos.

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    Consumers, who acquired real estate through a deed of sale with a mortgage subrogation, have made numerous claims against the financial entities. They request the nullity of the clause that imposes upon them all the expenses cause by the notarial deed. Financial entities have alleged that they do not have the capacity to be sued. Courts decisions have been diverse

    Programa de Educación para la Salud: fomento de los hábitos saludables en el tiempo de ocio de los escolares

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    El ocio y el tiempo libre son dos conceptos universales que forman parte de toda la población en mayor o menor medida. Estos conceptos están muy presentes en la vida de los escolares, un grupo de población que desarrolla durante este tiempo numerosas actividades, las cuales se han visto alejadas de lo relacionado con los hábitos saludables en los últimos años. La alta prevalencia de enfermedades infantiles relacionadas con unos niveles de vida pocos sanos hacen necesario un aumento de los programa de EpS desde el foco de la enfermería. Se diseña un programa de Educación para la Salud encaminado al fomento de los hábitos saludables en el tiempo de ocio de los escolares buscando una lejanía de las actividades menos saludables que están instauradas actualmente en este grupo social. Se proponen una serie de actividades lúdicas aunque con fundamentación sanitaria para lograr los objetivos diseñados. Los escolares representan un grupo con condiciones y capacidades muy ligadas con la educación para la salud y que ofrecen resultados satisfactorios.Grado en Enfermerí

    Statistical energy analysis model for sound pressure level prediction on refrigerators

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s40857-020-00188-0A Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) model of a 510 liter capacity refrigerator is used to calculate the Sound Pressure Level (SPL) generated in a reverberation room. This is a reliable indicator of the vibroacoustic performance of the refrigerator and it is in some countries as a pre-commercialization test. The main contributions of the SEA model are, the characterization of the refrigerator structure (three-layer: HIPS, polyurethane foam and steel), and the modeling of important components such as internal chambers or ventilation gratings. The simulation results are successfully compared with laboratory measurements. The SEA model is then used to understand the vibroacoustic behavior of the refrigerator and to establish the most critical transmission paths and radiation mechanisms.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Coloración atípica en una hembra de Iberolacerta cyreni en la Sierra de Guadarrama (Madrid)

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    El trabajo se financió por el proyecto MICIIN-CGL2011-24150/BOSPeer reviewe

    Heterogeneous tempo and mode of evolutionary diversification of compounds in lizard chemical signals

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    Important part of the multivariate selection shaping social and interspecific interactions among and within animal species emerges from communication. Therefore, understanding the diversification of signals for animal communication is a central endeavor in evolutionary biology. Over the last decade, the rapid development of phylogenetic approaches has promoted a stream of studies investigating evolution of communication signals. However, comparative research has primarily focused on visual and acoustic signals, while the evolution of chemical signals remains largely unstudied. An increasing interest in understanding the evolution of chemical communication has been inspired by the realization that chemical signals underlie some of the major interaction channels in a wide range of organisms. In lizards, in particular, chemosignals play paramount roles in female choice and male–male competition, and during community assembly and speciation. Here, using phylogenetic macro-evolutionary modeling, we show for the very first time that multiple compounds of scents for communication in lizards have diversified following highly different evolutionary speeds and trajectories. Our results suggest that cholesterol, α-tocopherol, and cholesta-5,7-dien-3-ol have been subject to stabilizing selection (Ornstein–Uhlenbeck model), whereas the remaining compounds are better described by Brownian motion modes of evolution. Additionally, the diversification of the individual compounds has accumulated substantial relative disparity over time. Thus, our study reveals that the chemical components of lizard chemosignals have proliferated across different species following compound-specific directions

    The adaptive optics lucky imager (AOLI): presentation, commissioning, and AIV innovations

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    Here we present the Adaptive Optics Lucky Imager (AOLI), a state-of-the-art instrument which makes use of two well proved techniques, Lucky Imaging (LI) and Adaptive Optics (AO), to deliver diffraction limited imaging at visible wavelengths, 20 mas, from ground-based telescopes. Thanks to its revolutionary TP3-WFS, AOLI shall have the capability of using faint reference stars. In the extremely-big telescopes era, the combination of techniques and the development of new WFS systems seems the clue key for success. We give details of the integration and verification phases explaining the defiance that we have faced and the innovative and versatile solutions for each of its subsystems that we have developed, providing also very fresh results after its first fully-working observing run at the William Herschel Telescope (WHT).Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, conference. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1703.09354, arXiv:1608.0480

    Revisión de la distribución y abundancia de la herpetofauna en las Islas Chafarinas: datos históricos vs. tendencias poblacionales

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    El estudio fue financiado por contratos del Organismo Autónomo de Parques NacionalesPeer reviewe

    A descriptive and quantitative approach regarding erosion and development of landforms on abandoned mine tailings: New insights and environmental implications from SE Spain

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    The San Cristóbal–Perules mining site in Mazarrón in southeast Spain was subjected to about a hundred years of intense mining activity for lead, silver, and zinc. Metallurgical operations (smelting, calcination, gravity concentration) carried out during the late nineteenth century–early twentieth century induced significant land transformation, and the most conspicuous wastes of this period consist of a chaotic piling of ‘old’ tailing deposits. Later on, during the mid-twentieth century, ‘modern’ tailings resulting from froth flotation were accumulated filling small valleys; these latter valley-fill tailings rose sequentially according to the upstream construction method, progressively raising the level of the dam during the process. Once abandoned, both types of tailing deposits underwent severe erosion, resulting in a mosaic of erosional and sedimentary landforms developed upon (e.g., gully formation) and within them (e.g., piping). We made an inventory and classification of these landforms. Our study shows the geomorphic work to reestablish a new steady state between the tailings deposits and the local erosive conditions. This scenario implies several hazards related to the extremely high heavy metal contents of these tailings and the geomorphic instability of the deposits. We also quantified the tailings tonnage and erosion that occurred at one of the tailings dams (El Roble). As shown by an oblique aerial photograph taken in 1968, this dam had a terraced topography, whereas in 2013 this morphology had evolved into a badland-type relief with deep parallel gullies. By recognizing and surveying specific, remnant points along the benches and outslopes of the older terraced topography, we were able to build up a first digital elevation model (DEM1) reflecting the initial topography. A second DEM, this time showing the present topography, allowed quantification of erosion via Material Loss = DEM1 − DEM2. This yields an erosion rate (1968–2009) of 151.8 Mg (MT) ha− 1 y− 1, which matches well typical values for erosion of mined areas, commonly above 100 Mg (MT) ha− 1 y− 1. Abandoned mine tailing deposits are extremely common in the semiarid scenarios of the SW USA, Australia, Chile, and Peru. Given the similarities of these scenarios with SE Spain, the example from Mazarrón may provide useful new insights regarding the erosion and geomorphic evolution of such tailing deposits. These matters should be addressed in key environmental actions such as mine closure plans and land reclamation projects. A solution may come via restoration of these deposits through landform design involving the building up of stable mature landscapes, which in turn can withstand erosion much more easily.Peer reviewe